

the 4th spot is just a movie I'm currently obsessed with ;)

Favorite films

  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • The Sound of Music

Recent activity

  • Pride & Prejudice


  • The Wild Robot


  • Last Holiday


  • Avengers: Infinity War


Recent reviews

  • Pride & Prejudice

    Pride & Prejudice


    So what do you recommend to encourage affection?
    Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable.

    Saw this at a screening in an auditorium and watching it on a big screen for the first time was a dream come true. This movie is the peak of romance and that's a fact.
    So many little details and stolen glances that I could see so much clearly this time. I want to emphasize how many times you can see Darcy looking at…

  • The Wild Robot

    The Wild Robot


    Sometimes hearts have their own conversations.

    Honestly I have no complaints about this. Whenever there's a machine or creature that learns how to love and be loved I immediately adore it. Everyday we complete simple and minor tasks in our day to day lives and we wonder if they're enough, if they mean anything to anyone. Then, when you start to connect with people, when you start to care about them; that's when our programing gets rewritten and we start…

Popular reviews

  • Nine Queens

    Nine Queens


    Ver la película sabiendo el final es una experiencia completamente diferente y eso me encantó. Cada dinámica, mirada, palabra y acción se vuelve transparente y podés ver detrás de cada truco, susurro y guiño quién es al que verdaderamente están cagando.

  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2


    not as good as the other two volumes but it still has amazing and emotional moments that in my opinion stuck with you a lot more knowing what these character's futures hold (mostly one of them in particular)
    I also have to add: you smoke too tough. your swag too different. they’ll NEVER kill you Rocket ;) spent the entire movie saying how cool he was I love him sm

    and finally a shout-out to The Chain by Fleetwood Mac being played TWICE you love to see it
