

ver filme é legal mas a vida universitária é contra hobbies

Favorite films

  • Mulholland Drive
  • Gia
  • Irma Vep
  • Basic Sanitation, the Movie

Recent activity

  • Bewitched


  • Romy and Michele's High School Reunion


  • His Three Daughters


  • Foreign Land


Recent reviews

  • Bewitched



    Eu quis pular as cenas que não tinham a Nicole? Sim, mas enfim… tão lindinho, adorei, sempre adoro assistir ela, ela não falha nunca, é perfeita, linda, incrível 

    E minha família me chamava de feiticeira quando eu era pequena pq eu mexo o nariz igualzinho, só hj eu entendi

  • His Three Daughters

    His Three Daughters


    I really loved the way they built and treated the daughters, they were so clear archetypes to me that I truly felt like I knew them. I understood them to a point where I knew what they were about to say or do next, how they would react to each other. While not coming out as cliche at all. And I think that’s the most amazing part of this film, how real they were, and for that the casting was just perfect.

    Also really love the cinematography and the theatric feel it all has. Amazing hard work.

Popular reviews

  • Flow



    É bonitinho mas… não sei, a história por trás de como ele foi feito é legal mas não achei grande coisa

  • Lost Highway

    Lost Highway


    I can’t be Patricia Arquette…. I can’t be WITH Patricia Arquette.. whats the point of life.i should just kill myself