Amanda C

Amanda C

Just a girl who loves movies and is tired of posting her reviews on twitter.

Favorite films

  • Back to the Future
  • Spirited Away
  • The Social Network
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Recent activity

  • Juror #2


  • Gladiator II


  • Gladiator


  • The Boy and the Heron


Recent reviews

  • Juror #2

    Juror #2


    100 Movies in 2025 Personal Challenge

    1/100: Juror #2

    Clunky dialogue and kinda unrealistic story carried by a gripping moral dilemma and another great performance from Nicholas Hoult. The tension remains throughout the entire runtime and keeps you invested even when the story takes some ridiculous turns. But even though it was entertaining it was ultimately forgettable. Solid B

  • Gladiator II

    Gladiator II


    Not enough Pedro Pascal…and an actual plot if I’m being honest. Retreads a lot of the same beats and character types as the original film but with less care and depth. Found myself comparing each beat and equivalent character to its predecessor and it fell short every time. The whole cast tries but they’re not given much of a script or story to work with. I’ve also never really been sold on Paul Mescal as leading man/big movie star material…

Popular reviews

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    Still as captivating and lovely as the first time I watched it. No film leaves me as happy and warm inside as this one does. The only way I can describe how this film makes me feel is that it's the same as how Mia and Sebastian feel when they fall in love for the first time, floating on cloud nine and soaring through the stars. And every time I find myself singing or humming the music in my daily…

  • Bohemian Rhapsody

    Bohemian Rhapsody


    Wow...way to waste an incredible performance from Rami Malek on a movie that is not only historically inaccurate but totally does a disservice to Freddie and his story.

    The performances across the board were spot-on and the Live Aid sequence gave me goosebumps. But overall, the storytelling felt so uninspired and almost formulaic. The film only really succeeds at providing a glimpse of what Queen was like in their heyday, that’s it. Freddie’s sexuality, upbringing/family/roots, illness...all glossed over. The movie…