qath soup

qath soup

@mangoqath | be cringe, be free

catching up on some films ive watched recently

Favorite films

  • Pride & Prejudice
  • School of Rock

Recent activity

  • Pride & Prejudice


  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie


  • School of Rock


  • Rio


Recent reviews

  • Pride & Prejudice

    Pride & Prejudice


    the only reason why this gets a 4 star rating from me is because the last scene was obviously reshot with a green screen background AND the American release did not have that beautiful, vulnerable scene in the end where they call each other Mr. and Mrs. Darcy 💀


    would force rave to watch it again with me/10 ╰(*°▽°*)╯

  • School of Rock

    School of Rock


    jack black is who i want to be when I grow older - gritty, nonchalant, hysterical, eccentric, and DOES give a shit (not very nonchalant of him then, just chalant)

    one of my favorite films till this day, school of rock, despite it's very kidnap-y and im-gonna-call-the-police-on-this-guy theme, is a movie where children get to embrace their talents and skills aligned with their personalities. even after almost 20 years after the release of this movie, its message is still relevant - allow children to thrive in things they are passionate about.

    always ask rave to watch it w me when I have the chance. going-to-reference-it-forever/10 (o゜▽゜)o☆

Popular reviews

  • Barbie



    the barbie movie is a film that represents the echoes of a woman's cry for help and solidarity in a world made by men for men. we learn through both perspectives in the movie that misogyny is internalized at an early age, and even men (or in this case, ken) are victims of this system.

    in barbieland where barbies are very individualistic, they are never hostile towards kens. it doesn't attack a man's character without basis - the movie shows…

  • Rio



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