Forget Forrest Gump, forget Cast Away, forget Who Framed Roger Rabbit…this is Robert Zemeckis’ magnum opus.
Absolutely perfect.
Forget Forrest Gump, forget Cast Away, forget Who Framed Roger Rabbit…this is Robert Zemeckis’ magnum opus.
Absolutely perfect.
Having seen the Andrew Garfield Nathan Lane National Theatre version of Angels in America which is hands down the best theatre I have ever seen-everything else will kinda pale in comparison to it.
But saying that this is very very good version and like usual I believe Perestroika is much better than Millenium Approaches. It has more complexity and more interplay between the characters and is far funnier and in my opinion better dramatically.
Al Pacino does an admirable Roy…
Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s performance in this movie is incredible particularly when you consider he is the sole person on screen for literally the entire runtime. The film though, sadly suffers from pacing issues, being particularly baggy in the middle section, making a 90 minute movie feel rather longer.
Concept and performance are great and Liman does a great job making this feel filthy and gritty and at times the tension cranks up and fizzes though too often this tips into tedium.
Jet black and endlessly quotable (‘I love my dead gay son’)-a smart and original screenplay by Daniel Waters ably directed by Michael Lehmann and wickedly performed by a sensational Winona Ryder and a Christian Slater doing his best Jack Nicholson impersonation. Wicked and cruel and very funny.