

No one can understand any movies.

Favorite films

  • Scream
  • Jaws
  • The Bridges of Madison County
  • Rumble in the Bronx

Recent activity

  • Pecker

  • West Side Story

  • The Brutalist

  • Rumble in the Bronx


Recent reviews

  • Dune



    I found this very dry.

  • The Bridges of Madison County

    The Bridges of Madison County


    "I'll only say this one time. I've never said it before. But this kind of certainty comes but just once in a lifetime."

    The kind of movie that makes you forget everything while you watch it and makes everything seem small and pointless and more real after you've watched it.

Popular reviews

  • Scanners


    Pretty much Cronenberg doing an X-Men movie. If a superhero is in essence an extraordinary individual, then this movie takes it back to basics in order to ask the difficult questions of a) what it means to be extraordinary and b) what it means to be an individual. Needless to say, this get pretty uncomfy but what is especially delightful is how it has no shame in endulging in sensationalist exploitation and camp (exploding heads, melting faces, shootouts, explosions, you…

  • Last Action Hero

    Last Action Hero

    Ain't no logic like cinema logic. And they say plot don't matter. Pff. Fools.

    In the end the main reason I loved this so much is not so much that it is totally hillarious and bonkers ( which it is) but because it is terribly sad and actually maybe one of the saddest action movies ever. It' s utopian view of cinema is not necessarily as some fools paradise, an escapistic place of no worries. The relationship between these two…