Ok, it’s pretty dumb, but it’s funny.
It’s basically a Rambo ripoff with a sense of humour, and Schwarzenegger is actually pretty good at this.
The action is wholly unbelievable, it’s way over the top, but you just roll with it and have fun.
I really enjoyed the first two-thirds of the movie. It’s well-shot, funny, and fast-paced. The actors all do an excellent job, and the set pieces are quite good.
The third act is meh and way too long. The buildup to Cruise’s big stunt is much too telegraphed, and the whole train scene is a pale copy of the original movie’s. It’s just boring and totally unbelievable. It’s a shame, as the rest of the action sequences, although always a bit…
La cinématographie et les acteurs font de ce très bon film un chef-d’œuvre. Michel Boujenah y est particulièrement remarquable, ainsi que Belmondo. Un montage supérieur à celui de « Les uns et les autres » ainsi qu’une histoire qui vient s’inscrire dans la lignée d’une des plus grandes œuvres littéraires françaises font de ce film quelque chose de rare qui me parle particulièrement.
Certainly one of the good 80’s action flics. It does have many flaws (the first act is pretty meh), but it’s still a lot of fun.
It also paved the way for many other sci-fi or action films (active camouflage, etc.). The cast is enormous and crazy. It’s over the top but in a way that works.
I do have to say that the fist fight between Schwarzenegger and Predator has not aged well. But the rest holds up pretty nicely.