Read a book.
Top four are rotating based on my mood.
My star rating doesn’t make any sense and is wildly inconsistent.
Mr Peanut is fucking terrifying and should be murdered.
Everyone involved in this is really fucking slumming it. Giancarlo, fire your damn agent, this is getting sad. Ke, you low key kind of killed it in this nothing role, keep doing your thing.
This shit is so fucking bland, how did anyone decide to spend money on this? The acting is literally terrible (except you Mr. Olyphant), the costumes and makeup are laughable (everyone looks like they’re wearing party city wigs), the talking head portions feel like an obligation to keep in line with the book as opposed to the creators actually wanting to do it.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
I’m sorry, I love Ncuti’s Doctor, I love Ruby Sunday, and this season may well have some of the best doctor who episodes. Full stop. (Boom & 73 Yards).
This? This ain’t it. Some of the ideas are cool but RTD can’t let a single moment breathe. Everything is rushed, seemingly for no reason. From the moment it begins, it feels as if it can’t wait to get to the end. I don’t normally need a lot explained to me, like…