One film a day, keeps the doctor away <3
My very disorganised notes:
Though the run time is unusually long for films of that period, the film seemed to speed by, another unusual occurrence. I do wish they included a bit more detail from the novel.
Loved the scene where Max was telling her about how he killed Rebecca; he played the scene very convincingly, and made the intricate staging and movement look intentional and natural. Specifically intrigued by the camera movements, when he narrates her precise movements. Theβ¦
Unlike a lot of biopics, it's not a meaningless dump of information or facts with no real concept to hang on to.
It's full of life; it focuses mainly on the feeling of being defined and limited by labels as an artist, and Dylan's desire and process of breaking from that structure. The pacing took some time to get used to, amd felt a little hectic at first since it bounced from month to month, year to year quite quickly.β¦