

Favorite films

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
  • Ninjababy
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox

Recent activity

  • The Man Who Loved Yngve


  • John Mulaney: Baby J


  • Thomas vs. Thomas (A Sensational Theory Regarding an Insignificant Life in the Multiverse)


  • Shazam!


Recent reviews

  • The Man Who Loved Yngve

    The Man Who Loved Yngve


    om du ikkje e frå stavanger vil du oppleve alvorlege bivirkningar etter å ha sett ferdig filmen, som feks å snakke stavangersk

    (men fittesatan for ein nydelige film då!!!!!)

  • John Mulaney: Baby J

    John Mulaney: Baby J


    people can be experts in their craft of storytelling in a way that can only be told by them alone, and also cheat on their wives at the same time. i was secretly hoping this was somehow going to be not as good as his other specials, but of course it was. my perception of john mulaney the public celebrity can’t and shouldn’t fuse with john mulaney the expert comedian and storyteller. it was undeniably an excellent special and a genuine…

Popular reviews

  • Thomas vs. Thomas (A Sensational Theory Regarding an Insignificant Life in the Multiverse)

    Thomas vs. Thomas (A Sensational Theory Regarding an Insignificant Life in the Multiverse)


    for ein fin film! ei utforsking av far og sønn-forhold bakt inn i store spørsmål om universet og tid og rom som eigentleg viser seg å ikkje bety så mykje. spenstig soundtrack med masse synth. karakterer du blir opptatt av sjølv om du ikkje naudsynt liker dei. mykje nyansert innhald i narrativet og bla bla bla, var uansett stort sett trollbundet gjennom heile filmen. man trenger ikkje like sci-fi for å like denne, det aspektet er liksom berre krydder. gå og kos deg med denne perla!
