Was it good? Meh.
Was it entertaining? Definitely.
I wanted to like this film so much, but the longer it went the less hope I had.
It relies on overused and obvious genre tropes, has character arcs that aren't fully believable, and draaaags after the first act.
It's loosely based on a real cult which if they had followed closer instead of relying on the aforementioned tropes, would have made a much more interesting film.
Also worth mentioning that they play real footage of a child being spanked…
I hate this film so much. The male self-victimization, the layers of misogyny, the sexualizing and objectifying of the corpses of female victims and then acting like the surviving, unscathed man is the victim.
I'm going to write a long-ass review on why this movie is a piece of shit and Tom Ford is a misogynistic psychopath on a day when I have time to be angry.
If you've ever read Laura Mulvey's essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" and…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
If you want an example of how female directors can perpetrate the Male Gaze—look no further.
-Unnecessary levels of undress on female characters only.
- Literally opens with an ass shot.
- Caring wife is turned into a joke so we don't care when he cheats on her
- Gross-ass age gap
- Young woman can't find a sense of purpose until she finds an old man who desires her.
- Freud would fucking…