WOMEN! are the most powerful creatures on earth!
Also, to have a movie about the Amish and not set it in Pennsylvania Dutch country?? What are we doing people 🙄
WOMEN! are the most powerful creatures on earth!
Also, to have a movie about the Amish and not set it in Pennsylvania Dutch country?? What are we doing people 🙄
I’ve been watching too many good movies recently so I figured I should mix in a couple of real shit ones and what better start than this? Just deplorable stuff lol
Maybe I’m just too tik tok brained for this (except I don’t even have tik tok so I’ll contend that this can’t be the case) but some sections of this are so boring it’s almost unbelievable. INSANE visuals and special effects but my god do some scenes go on interminably. Score is maybe one of the best of all time but the pacing and the complete lack of emotion just ruin it for me. Throw in my general dislike for Kubrick and it’s all so not my thing even though I’ll admit it’s well-crafted, and I love so many films inspired by it. But alas :(
I feel bad but this movie is sooooo bad oh my god. It’s completely insane I honestly have no words.
Thank god for Beth the weirdo freak zookeeper, she was the one bright spot of the whole thing and she SHINED! I LOVE YOU BETH!