www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/anreize-laenger-arbeiten-2306064 🤡
(auch harter neoliberalismus hält mich nicht davon ab, einen nancy meyers film zu genießen und dabei paar tränchen zu vergießen)
www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/anreize-laenger-arbeiten-2306064 🤡
(auch harter neoliberalismus hält mich nicht davon ab, einen nancy meyers film zu genießen und dabei paar tränchen zu vergießen)
eight years ago, I spent some time at a foam manufacturer in my hometowm; for several months, a colleague and I essentially worked the same machine for eight hours a day; he kept quiet for most of the time and basically never said a word apart from the usual bathroom break announcement; after what must have been several weeks, he suddenly looked at me for what, at the time, felt like eternity; he then said: "you look like and remind…
1 minute in: Wow, the into credits look really cool and creative and are setting the mood for a monster horror flick perfectly!
30 minutes: This movie offers some pretty unique and purposeful creature design, and it does also feature great performances from the two leading actors.
60 minutes: Man, Splice has a lot of interesting things to say about genetic design and everything that makes us human. It may have quite generic stock music, clichéd editing and dumb characters…