how do i put this…
this is the only movie i’ve watched this year
and not just once
how do i put this…
this is the only movie i’ve watched this year
and not just once
very charming!! genuinely laughed a lot
could do without the baldwin
tom gazing at summer while she raves about the freedom of loneliness is the core of this movie, reminds me of a simpler time forming cynical fantasies about love solely based on their relationship, the ‘expectation vs reality’ scene
and one of the best soundtracks ever
maturing however is realising paul (matthew great gubler *heart eyes*) truly has my heart, to wit: “she’s better than the girl of my dreams, she’s real”
…i could listen to him say bodacious all day
chloe graze moretz is such a treat in this film: ‘just because she likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn't mean she's your soulmate’
only a few genuinely magical moments in a universe of imagination
only a few genuine laughs even with the biggest stars in comedy and film
luckily olivia coleman [heart eyes] kept me invested
…so did hugh grant’s absurd little oompa
was not sold on timothee as the eccentric wonka
even his good moments were tainted because i was still recovering from a huge cringe
the only good songs were the ones we already know and love and they were under…