

Favorite films

  • The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo
  • The Bob Emergency

Recent activity

  • Elf

  • Die Hard


  • Planet 51


  • Paycheck


Recent reviews

  • Elf


    everyone buddy meets during the course of this film would have been well within their rights to kill him

  • Die Hard

    Die Hard


    I don't think people pay enough attention to how fantastic the cinematography, editing, and general set design is in this movie. Nothing feels out of place. It takes itself seriously, and the whole set is framed just right so that you might take it seriously too.

Popular reviews

  • Scary Movie

    Scary Movie

    scary movie be like hmm today i will be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, and make a bunch of shitty 90s references

    the two times it wasn't were funny tho

  • 9/11 Simulation in Roblox Environment

    9/11 Simulation in Roblox Environment


    this video is either a brilliant political statement on the futility of understanding a catastrophic event and the politics surrounding it OR just a complete shitpost of a video. Maybe both. Neither cancels the other out. It's either brilliance disguised as stupidity, or stupidity disguised as brilliance. Either way, it's got a bit of both in it.