Marquel Darbey

Marquel Darbey

Bay Area 🌁 
Screenwriter 💻 
Movie Monk 📼
 “Ferris Bueller, you’re my hero”

Favorite films

  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • The Sandlot
  • Speed
  • Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Recent activity

  • Die Hard


  • Die Hard 2


  • Die Hard With a Vengeance


  • Slither


Recent reviews

  • Die Hard

    Die Hard


    “Next time you have a chance to kill someone, don’t hesitate!” 

    *bad guy gets shot instantly* 

    “Thanks for the advice.” 

    When you refer to movies that have set the standard in their respective genre(s), it’s impossible to exclude Die Hard from the action blockbuster conversation. John McTiernan holds the crown for one of the most impressive trifectas in filmmaking after giving the world: Predator, The Hunt for Red October, and Last Action Heroonly to round out his resume with 2…

  • Die Hard 2

    Die Hard 2


    “…you’re the wrong guy, in the wrong place, at the wrong time!” 

    “The story of my life.” 

    Die Hard 2’s tagline “die harder” delivers on that claim in two ways that almost comically contradict each other. On one hand, it definitely “dies harder” in the scope of the action and stakes being elevated beyond the original. On the other hand, some of the famous charm and flare from the original has died off simultaneously.

    Make no mistake, Bruce Willis is still…

Popular reviews

  • The Gray Man

    The Gray Man


    In Netflix’s run of recent action films, Gray Man rides the line between the outlandish CGI action of Red Notice and the sharp gunplay/cinematography of Extraction. There’s plenty of fun moments that are reminiscent of a Grand Theft Auto mission wrapped in a 007 bow. However, the story is pretty run-of-the-mill with some bells and whistles being the fun performances by Gosling and Evans. It didn’t break the action movie mold by any means, but it kept my attention as another entertaining popcorn flick.

  • Pearl



    Ti West is essentially a horror rollercoaster operator and I feel like I’m just along for the ride. X was a welcomed return to the sweaty and dirty ‘70s style slasher, while Pearl turns the style dial a full 180° into the Wizard of Oz if it were (more) creepy. I feel like the second half loses some pacing and isn’t as strong as the first in terms of progressing the story beyond a certain line; however, there’s lots of quality…
