

Favorite films

  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Django Unchained
  • Meet the Spartans
  • Memento

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  • Training Day


  • Memento


  • The Shawshank Redemption


  • Django Unchained


Recent reviews

  • The Shawshank Redemption

    The Shawshank Redemption


    How y’all gon say this ain’t 5 stars?????  

    Who tf y’all think you fooling lying like that

    (Unless you Edgar tho cause he a real one.)

  • Django Unchained

    Django Unchained


    I haven’t been rocking wit Netflix after they took this off

    Count you days Netflix

Popular reviews

  • Memento



    Holy shit

    This is literally so slept on like fr

    Why ain’t nobody talking bout this 

    Blud fooled everyone even himself and ain’t even know it

    This literally the best watch ever 

    It had me all like what the hell 

    Real talk tho my predictions was right accept for the very last scene, I ain’t see that coming 

    Lastly they shoulda killed off Natalie she’s my biggest opp rn

  • Meet the Spartans

    Meet the Spartans


    This is the best friggen movie I’ve EVER WATCHED. Y’all is hating for NO reason, talking bout this movie ass. Y’all ass, this movie my favourite movie. I watched this 3 times in the same day. How are y’all hating on it. Grow the flip up guys.
