"OK, Brian, what do you have in mind? Rock opera, greek tragedy, social commentary on momentary fame and artificial music industry, german expressionism, or Dorian Gray/Phantom of the Opera? "
Brian, snorting Red Bull: "Yes"
"OK, Brian, what do you have in mind? Rock opera, greek tragedy, social commentary on momentary fame and artificial music industry, german expressionism, or Dorian Gray/Phantom of the Opera? "
Brian, snorting Red Bull: "Yes"
"What would you do if you were stuck in one place, and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?"
"That about sums it up for me."
I went expecting some grandiose pretentious white man film but I was surprised. Too many ideas for my taste, it left me with the question of "what is this movie about?", and that last twist was completely unnecessary.
Also, we need intermissions back. All cinemas, all movies longer than 2 hours. Please.