Edward Cullen has been 17 for over a century while Mickey Barnes struggles to be 17 for more than a day.
Way too over the top, often unnecessary but I’d enjoy watching Collette, Pattinson and Ruffalo even if they burped for an hour straight.
Moving, charming, funny, well written, amazingly played.
No budget to make a film = no budget to make a baby.
When form perfectly matches substance I’m yours, you got me on my knees.
Per Giovanni Anzaldo: la bellezza del film è inversamente proporzionale a quella della locandina.
The proof that men can write about women.
The proof that if you don’t focus on obsessively trying to replicate the aura of the first film you can make a good sequel.
Reeeeally good performances. Ciau.
Così avvincente da farmi credere di essere nel cast.