

Presa me sinto e com arte libertar-me-ei

Favorite films

  • Into the Wild

Recent activity

  • The Untouchables

  • Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes

  • The Music Lovers

  • Ray

Recent reviews

  • The Untouchables

    The Untouchables

    How many times a day do you think about the untouchables' wardrobe? The pictures of almost every scene are insane.
    "take it easy, it will all happen in time. Don't wait for it to happen, don't even want it to happen just watch what does happen"
    The one that looks at and is not looked at is an awful way to portray woman.
    In the end its all about a courtroom full of white men that upon the law of reenforcement make justice. is it just me or arent the movies from the perspective of the mafia much better?

  • Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes

    Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes

    Good movie, perfect soundtrack.

    Music - as they so simply and beautifuly put it -gets you out of hard situations; like a tool to express yourself and for you to be free.
    The founders of blue note records found jazz in berlin in the 20's, flew from nazi german to new york in the 30's and founded blue records in 39. But you need money to do it. To do great stuff you seem to need money even if the…

Popular reviews

  • Swing Kids

    Swing Kids

    As a teenmovie, is good. Swing appeared in Hamburg during the 40's? They were probably high for all that movement. The movie also makes a nazi and propaganda critique and explore how ideas can change peoples actions

  • Erin Brockovich

    Erin Brockovich


    Julia Roberts was definitely the best pick for this character. 
    She’s fearless, smart, hot and just so genuinely good.
    And that is why i watch movies