
MartinB Pro

Life's too short for bad movies.

Favorite films

  • Amélie
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Heat
  • Back to the Future

Recent activity

  • Inside Out 2


  • Freddie Mercury: The Untold Story


  • Gone Baby Gone


  • Alcarràs


Recent reviews

  • Wicked



    The movie is well choreographed and bursting with creative ideas, but it still didn't really grab me.

    It's not necessarily the actors who do a good job, but the songs, which I had expected much more from after the euphoric reviews. After all, it is a musical movie. The movie is over and not a single song has stuck in my mind.

    The excessive use of CGI doesn't make it any better. Too bad, I had expected more.

  • Ein Sommer in Italien

    Ein Sommer in Italien


    I don't know if I was simply in a mellow mood when I watched the TV movie with my wife or if it was actually due to the quality: the ZDF vacation romance actually surprised me in a positive way, because for the first time it managed to make my bored plot prediction to my wife miss its target. We were genuinely surprised, also by the courage of the plot line involving the older ladies and the quality of the actors.

Popular reviews

  • Verplant



    Unterhaltsame Doku über 2 entspannte, lustige Typen, die sich (untrainiert) auf eine Radtour von Deutschland nach Vietnam machen. Hatte ein Dauergrinsen auf dem Gesicht und das kann ja nur ein gutes Zeichen sein.

  • Ant-Man



    Not a bad superhero movie, but it has left me strangely cold. Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas do a solid job, but Corey Stoll was pretty one dimensional and even annoying as a villain!
    The good visual effects push the movie slightly above mediocrity.