Martin Dunlop

Martin Dunlop Pro

Favorite films

  • Green Room
  • Love & Friendship
  • Ghostwatch
  • Ginger Snaps

Recent activity

  • The Princess and the Frog


  • Saturday Night

  • The Dark Half


  • Sabata


Recent reviews

  • The Princess and the Frog

    The Princess and the Frog


    You think the people of New Orleans ever long for the magical world of the neighbourhood bodega?

  • Saturday Night

    Saturday Night

    The Bohemian Rhapsody (movie) of badly aged 70s sketch comedy. Just wildly embarrassing. Some fun impressions.

Popular reviews

  • Gone with the Wind

    Gone with the Wind


    Look I adore this big flouncy melodrama, everything of golden age Hollywood on display and working overtime, but no. If you can draw a line so direct from this to the powerful racist narratives that hold sway over so much of our culture, not just in the US but over here, you can't in good conscience recommend this. Imagine a film mourning the downfall of the glory of the third reich with the same misty eyed nostalgia?

    It's like if…

  • Hawaii



    Great script from Dalton Trumbo really lays into the evils of colonialism, and Max Von Sydow plays one of the biggest pieces of shit ever put onscreen. Not perfect (this is 60s anti-racist film, there's gonna be blind spots) but much better than you'd expect. It's so good at what it does I'm not surprised the studios kicked out the lousy sequel a few years later that runs with the moral "capitalism solves everything".
