Martin DeVon

Martin DeVon

Film and History student, massive nerd, but not necessarily smart.
Gatekeeping not welcome.

Favorite films

  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  • Pacific Rim
  • TRON: Legacy
  • Band of Brothers

Recent likes

  • Captain America: The First Avenger
  • School of Rock
  • Brass Eye
  • The Day Today

Recent reviews

  • Band of Brothers

    Band of Brothers


    This is genuinely the single best piece of Historical cinema ever filmed. The attention to every single detail in the production design is immaculate, the miniseries format gives us as an audience ample time to know every character and they are all wonderfully portrayed.

    The most incredible element however, is that this is an almost perfect translation of actual events, down to the dialogue, in one of the most brutal parts of history, that also happens to be the single…

  • Tour de Pharmacy

    Tour de Pharmacy


    There is no real reason this should be as well made, cast, acted and written as it is, shame you never hear about it.

Popular reviews

  • At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own

    At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own


    I don't know if I'd ever have heard of this movie anywhere else but a university campus, and I'm so glad I did.
    The plot is simple enough to follow, but the combination of subtitles and the underrepresented historical setting makes the character motivations a little unclear (nothing that Googling the context won't fix).
    Thw music is full of unapologetic soviet era jubilance that can be incredibly out of place, but the score is magnificent, and the final track swells…
