

Favorite films

  • Possession
  • Multiple Maniacs
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Anatomy of Hell

Recent activity

  • Sex Is Comedy


  • Spring Breakers


  • Perfect Love


  • Queer


Recent reviews

  • Sex Is Comedy

    Sex Is Comedy


    breillat comes yet again with a look on something i haven't witnessed before. i absolutely admire her take on making sex scenes and what it takes to perform and conduct a fake intimacy. my heart started beating faster during the last scene, i keep falling in love with movie making more and more.

  • Spring Breakers

    Spring Breakers


    no idea what to think about this lol but i finally got myself to see this one after watching so many edits on youtube to lana del rey songs with the clips of this movie at 14 so congrats to me

    i love the drama of it all tho because yes! yearning for a change in your dull stupid life is indeed that serious! it makes you go insane!

Popular reviews

  • Queer



    mam potrzebę rozpisania trochę tego filmu i uzewnętrznić się z moją interpretacją, więc miłego czytania komukolwiek, kto się nad tym pochyli.

    poszłam do kina z zerowymi oczekiwaniami, nie czytałam wcześniej książki, jak i nie czytałam o filmie w internecie, ale nadal byłam zaskoczona, gdzie ten film nas prowadził.

    queer to kino symboliczne, nie podaje nic zbyt dosłownie, ale zostawia wiele wskazówek. zawiła symbolika jednak sprawia, że da sie w tym nieźle pogubić, ale uwielbiam się gubić w filmie, więc dla…

  • Babylon



    first half of the film was absolutely magical but later i felt like the fire was burning out and slowly it became this simple hollywood story that has been told thousand times.. until the last part.... oh man the ending made me leave the theatre with weak knees..
    an expierience i will be thinking about for a long time for sure...