torn between “why’d two apparently genius talented women immediately fall for this guy who everyone thinks is a loser” and “well it’s robert pattinson…..”
he was really good in this, I had fun
I loved the little off-hand, maybe improvised, sibling/parent comments the most. made me a little cynical about how much the avg viewer is willing to empathize with a revolutionary (he needs to have a rly beautiful home and family and not be part of the armed resistance?)
I watch soooo many documentaries about people training for their niche lofty goal and figured that at this point if a movie follows the same formula, I’m happy with it. but there are a lot of issues in this one, and a lot of them come down to bad interviewing, I think (though it’s not surprising that youtubers who are used to recording mostly themselves aren’t great at it). a simple follow up question, in a lot of moments, would…