
MashyManny Patron

I watch movies, and then maybe post a review here.

Favorite films

  • The Matrix
  • Spider-Man 2
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Return of the Jedi

Recent activity

  • Fast & Furious 6


  • A Boy and His Atom


  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon


  • The Electric State


Recent reviews

  • Fast & Furious 6

    Fast & Furious 6


    Before the Infinity Castle, there was the Infinity Runway…or was it called Domain Expansion: Infinite Runway?

  • A Boy and His Atom

    A Boy and His Atom


    That moment when you work at a school and watch a short film during a class, so you gotta log it on Letterboxd.

Popular reviews

  • Interstellar



    10th Anniversary Review! Interstellar had already been on my watchlist for a while, but when I heard that it would re-release in IMAX 70mm, I decided to save my first watch for the re-release. This is for certain one of the greatest cinematic experiences ever and shows Nolan at his finest. Now I understand why Interstellar is super iconic. If you are able to see it in the full 1.43:1 IMAX 70mm like I did, please do, but no pressure. Now I definitely want to rewatch the film on 4K Blu-ray.

  • Spider-Man 2

    Spider-Man 2


    20TH ANNIVERSARY THEATRICAL RE-RELEASE REVIEW - This is CINEMA! My favorite Spider-Man film, my favorite superhero film, 1 of 4 films that are part of my Mount Rushmore of Superhero Movies, and my #2 favorite film of all time (#1 is The Matrix). 20 years later, Spider-Man 2 just holds up so well and it’s the best one of the Raimi Trilogy. The movie may be silly and flawed at times, but it just feels so good despite those things. I’m glad to have finally seen it in theaters.

    Score: 10/10 AKA 5 out of 5 stars