Favorite genres: Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Rom-coms.
Just gimmi weird stuff
The *perfect* length for something like this.
Absolutely buck-wild story. Super tense the whole way through.
This person next to me started putting their seat down like the pulse setting of a fucking massage chair at a nail salon during the climax and absolute quietest part of the movie.
Good stuff.
I can't believe I'm about to go on this mini-rant because of this movie, but here we go.
Remember when the expectation when you went to the movies wasn't to have an existential epiphany about some deeply philosophical theme you may or may not relate to?
Remember when dialogue in a movie wasn't intended to reflect reality but was intended to be artful and surreal because movies are fake and not real?
Remember when movies were fun?
I constantly hear…
The acting is solid, the ideas it's playing with are interesting, and the dialogue is witty and feels human (for the most part). The plot feels underdeveloped; a major let down.
It is also a liiiiiiitle to on the nose and pretentious for me. At moments, I felt like I was watching someone's edgy YouTube essay transcribed into a screen play. Or, someone's college film thesis on a big budget.
It desperately needed nuance. It did not have it.
And the 2024 award for Best Picture goes to...
I fucking love this movie so much, man.
Just like with soooo many other Sci-fi masterpieces (Mad Max: Fury Road, Both Blade Runners, THE fucking THING), people simply *did not* show up to the theater for this movie, but time will be incredibly kind and appreciative of the craftsmanship George Miller exhibits here.
His world-building, set design, costume design is only rivaled by the other current…