

Favorite films

  • Mirror
  • Eraserhead
  • Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
  • Inland Empire

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Recent reviews

  • High School Musical 2

    High School Musical 2


    ‘bet on it’ is my favourite thing ever

  • Dog Star Man

    Dog Star Man



    Stan Brakhage has been a big inspiration for making films for me and his style does something to my eyes that no other film-maker can reproduce, the way he meticulously crafts every frame with passion and meaning and the way it flows together is an unforgettable experience. When I first watched one of his films I was instantly hooked, the way he blend traditional art and film is something so beautiful and I just admire so…

Popular reviews

  • Ready Player One

    Ready Player One


    I can't physically describe how much i fucking hate this film, I watched this in this cinema and I've never smelt a worse room of dorks jerking themselves off when they understand a pop culture reference and howling like rotten wolves when they see a game character they recognize. The pea brained morons that like this crime to cinema are the same bunch of baboons that do back flips when someone up votes their post on r/dankmemes. The apes that…

  • Autumn Sonata

    Autumn Sonata


    "Sometimes I lie awake at night, I wonder whether i've lived at all. Is it the same for everybody? Do some people have a greater talent for living than others or do some people never live, but just exist?"

    Some of the most beautiful diagulgue ever written for a film, from the gentle and melancholic inner thoughts of the characters to the brash and angry arguments that felt so real and pent up making the characters believable and very relatable.…
