Matthew Ribar

Matthew Ribar

The only watchable movies are either .5/5 or 5/5 stars. Anything in between is padding you watch to make you appreciate true cinema.

Favorite films

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • The Thing
  • I'm Thinking of Ending Things

Recent activity

  • Secret Level - PAC-MAN: Circle


  • Secret Level - Warhammer 40,000: And They Shall Know No Fear


  • Secret Level - Unreal Tournament: Xan


  • Secret Level - New World: The Once and Future King


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Daisies



    Wow, they really ate with this one.

    Daisies is about... uh, I'm not sure exactly. The plot is two girls running around the place getting into wacky food/sex shenanigans. This simple story is told in the most mind-bogglingly complex way possible, with random images thrown in, sound effects galore, and the color palette switching every five seconds like it's an episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I adore it.

    Even when scenes don’t make any sense, they still rock. My favorites…

  • The War on Christmas: A Measured Response

    The War on Christmas: A Measured Response


    Day 24 of the War on Christmas. Blitzen is dead. He was torn apart by feral elves. I don't know how much longer our candy cane supply is going to last. Eggnog rations are running low. Santa's doing another bombing run on Happy Holidays Headquarters. He has become... the H bomber guy.
