Matt K

Matt K

I only came to kick some ass. Rock the fuckin' house, and kick some ass 🤘

Favorite films

  • Harakiri
  • Stalker
  • Holy Motors
  • UHF

Recent activity

  • Avengers: Endgame


  • Avengers: Infinity War


  • In the Name of the King 2: Two Worlds

  • In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale


Recent reviews

  • Avengers: Endgame

    Avengers: Endgame


    A good finish but spends way too much time being Fanservice: The Movie. Some amazing scenes and a terrific climax but the more I watch this one the more I prefer Infinity War

  • Avengers: Infinity War

    Avengers: Infinity War


    Felt like rewatching the latter two Avengers flicks, this one is by far the best and one of the high points of the franchise, they're really not getting back to this level.

Popular reviews

  • Microwave Massacre

    Microwave Massacre


    Some of the dialogue in this is delivered in such a strange way that's evocative of David Lynch's weirdest scenes, I'm not really sure how surreal this is intended to be but it's weird as all hell and I love that about it

  • Old



    Genuinely enjoyed some aspects of this, I like the parts that examine the more psychological effects of age like regret, memory loss and loneliness. As a whole though I didn't find it overly gripping and while far from the worst plot twist even in Shyamalan's oeuvre it did end on a bit of down note. Alex Wolff is good, the more stuff I see him in the more of a fan I become.

    The style was a bit hit-or-miss for…
