Nine times out of ten, when my wife and i watch a movie together we’re discussing it and giving our fresh thoughts while the credits roll
When the credits rolled on Aftersun, we both just sat there in silence with tears streaming down our faces
Went in expecting a pretty standard romance, got something way weirder and more introspective instead. Yes there’s romance, but at its heart this is really a story about loneliness, forgiveness, and how we process grief
How Andrew Scott didn’t get more awards love is beyond me, he’s phenomenal in this
100 minutes of acid-soaked discomfort, blood, dissociation, and tension. Cronenberg really knows what he’s doing with a lot of interesting visual metaphor and shorthand, with a relentless tension that keeps you guessing as to just how badly this is going to go. Really really solid performances and directing. I would’ve liked a little more insight on some character’s motivations, but that’s a minor gripe in what’s otherwise a really visual striking film with an interesting and original premise that delivers on the implications of its themes. Really excited to see more from Cronenberg and to dive into his father’s extensive filmography