"I am an exceptional thief, Mrs. McClane. And since I'm moving up to kidnapping, you should be more polite. "
Alan Rickman at his finest, RIP.
Quirky, loveable & like all Pixar titles oozing with creativity, 'Inside Out' immerses us in a world where truly anything is possible. Perhaps those endless possibilities were to be its downfall, as sadly I was left somewhat disappointed in their latest adventure.
While I applaud the creativity involved & willingness to explore outside the box, Pixars latest flick doesn't seem to resonate with me the same way previous titles have.
Perhaps a second viewing is in order, but where other Pixar titles have excelled, 'Inside Out' simply lacks the same 'multiple viewings' appeal that titles offer in droves.
I can't be 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure I had a more meaningful conversation with the ticket guy than any of the dialogue contained in this catastrophe.