A insult to our intelligence. They are repackaging our childhoods and selling it to us, and mfs will keep eating it up.
Corny as shit anyways
Chad mufasa vs virgin scar
A insult to our intelligence. They are repackaging our childhoods and selling it to us, and mfs will keep eating it up.
Corny as shit anyways
Chad mufasa vs virgin scar
Call me by your name 6/10:
The scenic Italian landscapes, beautiful architecture and scenery, you melt into the environment of which it surrounds. A relaxing and (truthfully) hot environment. What a tease he is! Also I’ve never seen a more twink person, like it’s scenery it feels all too real which really helps in the blending of reality and fiction.
On the other hand it’s questionable with the problematic nature of the age and power dynamics. While it was again…
The Garfield movie 1/10:
The most boring commercial slop I’ve ever seen. I like Garfield, so I’m sad this shit was terrible. So predictable, reused animation frames, there are ads in a fucking movie, which would be fine if they fucking used it in a smart funny way. Ass.
Sound: 1/10
Story: 1/10
Visuals: 1/10
They cloned Tyrone 9.5/10:
What a fun movie! If you combined the look of a spike lee joint/black dynamite (the clothing and styles chosen) and the feel of a boondocks ep you are left with a hilarious and beautiful commentary on African-American communities. The lighting was great, the dialogue witty and funny, the music was great (also loved the foreshadowing with putting on the music and making them sleepy). The story was captivating! A Nancy Drew movie if the movie…