
mauricio Patron

avaliador de filmes aqui!

Favorite films

  • Serial Experiments Lain
  • Microhabitat
  • Whisper of the Heart
  • Swing Girls

Recent activity

  • Betty Boop's Museum

  • Betty Boop, M.D.

  • Scary Movie 2


  • Betty Boop's Life Guard

Pinned reviews

  • Isle of Dogs

    Isle of Dogs


    Chief: I’ve been hunted by dog-catchers all my life. I’m not easy to trap. I’ve only got three captures on my record (where I actually got sent to the pound, I mean), and the first two times, I escaped within twenty-four hours but the third time, I got adopted before I could finish digging the break-out-tunnel. It was a big family. Five kids. Two other dogs, already. They stuck me in the back of a station-wagon and drove me out…

Recent reviews

  • Scary Movie 2

    Scary Movie 2


    o melhor da franquia

  • Cruising



    – I hope my typing didn't bother you.

    – What are you working on?

    – I'm trying to finish a play.

    – Oh, yeah? What kind of play?

    – Boy meets boy, boy loses boy, boy ends up with analyst. It's a light romantic comedy.

Popular reviews

  • Happy Feet

    Happy Feet


    é que as vezes a gente precisa parar de dançar o quadradinho de oito e pensar um pouquinho

  • Mysterious Skin

    Mysterious Skin


    eu não sei nem o que falar sobre o que acabei de assistir… fiquei do início ao fim com essa 😧 expressão. só espero muito que o treinador tenha morrido da forma mais brutal possível, pra pagar por tudo o que ele fez.

    btw não sei se eu queria SER ou TER o eric pra mim