maxine | newcastle upon tyne
4 favourites are just random faves on rotation
okay. all my life, I had a lump at the back of my neck, right here. always, a lump. then I started menopause and the lump got bigger from the “hormonees’. it started to grow. so I go to the doctor, and he did the bio... the b... the... the bios... the... b... the bobopsy. inside the lump he found teeth and a spinal cord. yes. inside the lump was my twin.
one star for Jennifer Lawrence getting angry about paying for snacks, one star for Jonah Hill’s bag. then minus them again because it was so bad
I feel like Darren Aronofsky was stirring a pot for 90 minutes telling me he was making the best damn soup I was ever going to eat in my life and then served me a bowl of water with an old shoe, a soggy bible and a squashed bag of potato chips. And then tried to ladel the image of a woman getting beat up directly down my actual gullet because Ooh, Edgy and Original and You Don't Understand This Metaphor Unless I REALLY Hammer It Home.
Sorry Darren, you're cancelled.