

I like butts.

Favorite films

  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Videodrome
  • Repo Man
  • Pink Flamingos

Recent activity

  • Cellar Dweller


  • The Killer Is Not Alone


  • Hostage


  • Hookers on Davie


Recent reviews

  • Cellar Dweller

    Cellar Dweller


    Kinda like a dumb extended episode Tales from the Crypt. A bit of good gore and creature effects, though many of them are kind of cheated through the comic strip angle. I saw this is Don Mancini's one script that WASN'T a Child's Play film, and the cinematography by Sergio Salvati, a Fulci regular. It had some nods to that as well in the whole cursed book they have in the basement; "Woe be unto them..." This could probably have been PG-13 without the tits. Okay time waster, a bit too tame for jaded fans probably, but unmistakably 80s. Arrow blu-ray.

  • The Killer Is Not Alone

    The Killer Is Not Alone


    Somewhat clunky in it's execution, but beautifully shot Spanish giallo-esque character study. Sleazy story but all done pretty low key. Still, for it's time in Spain it was pushing boundaries. The overall vibe it puts out is remarkably off-kilter, so what it lacks in substance it makes up for in style.

    Not sure what else to say about it, but it's definitely the best Spanish film about a traumatized, possibly schizophrenic, rhinoceros collecting hot dog fanatic with a possible foot fetish and a handy pocket-sized rhino-themed piano wire tool that can double as a garrote OR sausage slicer that I've seen this year. Mondo Macabro blu-ray.

Popular reviews

  • Vice Squad

    Vice Squad


    Bang! Bang! Shoot 'em up, feelin' just fine! Been baptized in the river, of the Neon Slime!

    Wings Hauser at his best in this film, carrying the entire thing with his sheer presence. Ramrod will go down (for me anyway) as one of the greatest cinematic villains in exploitation film. RIP Wings...

    The best review of the film ever is already given (full of spoilers and laughs) by Patrice O'Neal and Jim Norton.

  • Touch of Death

    Touch of Death


    Sure, it's low budget and the story is unoriginal, but if you are a fan of Fulci you can do a lot worse than this one. I'd personally consider this one of his better later efforts. It's light & humorous, and loaded with his trademark gory, graphic violence. Halsey is great, going through various disguises as he goes along, and listening to his tape deck calling him out for his mistakes. I was beginning to think he may be a little crazy or something... His ginger cat Reginald gets plenty to eat in this as well; living his best life! Rewatched on the 88 Films blu-ray.