
maxs🌸mmar Pro

It is happening again...

it is happening again.

Favorite films

  • Time
  • Daughters
  • Rain In My Heart
  • Sick of Myself

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17

  • The Headless Woman

  • I Have No Legs, and I Must Run

  • I Have No Legs, and I Must Run

Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17

    Struggling to find what this was really about. Thought the performances were big and obvious, but worked. Did not love the creepers. Bong Joon Ho keeps making films with animals rights, but still isn't a vegan

    The best thing was how this woman loved every version of Mickey, I thought that was the sweetest thing, but very lost amongst it all

  • The Headless Woman

    The Headless Woman

    I like it! I think this is a great concept for a film. Martel is an interesting filmmaker, making small stories in a confusing way, focusing on female characters who are sort of at the shore of opposing feelings or thoughts, she spends a lot of time with the bodies of her characters which I think works well. Can’t wait to watch Zara

Popular reviews

  • Tamara Drewe

    Tamara Drewe

    Everyone involved should be in prison.

  • Grenfell


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