(Complete review - portuguese only!)
Resenha completa no blog: chadeprosa.wordpress.com/2013/04/06/28064612-o-universo-de-donnie-darko/
(Complete review - portuguese only!)
Resenha completa no blog: chadeprosa.wordpress.com/2013/04/06/28064612-o-universo-de-donnie-darko/
(complete review - portuguese only!)
Resenha em podcast no blog: chadeprosa.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/cancoes-de-amor-em-paris/
I've always enjoyed stories about serial killers and investigation. My friend made me watch Se7en because she told me she was sure I would like it. And she was right.
John Doe is one of the most amazing serial killers I've seen in movies. All the plot about the seven deadly sins was terrific! The murder scenes were awesome and the background of the story showing the personal life of detectives Mills and Somerset made everything almost perfect.
I was…