i give a lot of 5s and i have absolutely no idea what the fuck im talking about
favorites arent actual favorites
"You can live wherever you want to live. You can be whoever you want to be. You have time."
a couple of months ago my father unexpectedly passed away
even with warning, these things tend to blindside you. the death of a parent is something you cannot possibly prepare yourself for. you can turn on the news and hear about it every day, but death doesn't feel real until it hits you in the face and all of a sudden…
did not plan on watching this again so soon, but even though i thought it was great i still felt like it needed another shot. i was surprised i didnt like it as much as i thought i would. turns out its like the best movie ever made. who knew!
such a beautiful and intimate movie
i hate romance movies and musicals i really should hate this. but this is so fun and beautiful and i love it. ryan gosling and emma stone are both fantastic and the movies shot so well its all just fantastic.