
Micah Pro

Favorite films

  • The Green Knight
  • Last Night
  • Brooklyn
  • Silent Night

Recent activity

  • Brooklyn


  • The Autopsy of Jane Doe


  • 10x10


  • The Crow


Pinned reviews

  • Coming Home in the Dark

    Coming Home in the Dark


    “All right. Let’s buckle up.”

    At first I thought they were driving on the wrong side of the road, then I realized I'm just a dumb American 😩

    I've been an admirer of Daniel Gillies for probably a decade now. He's one of those actors whose projects I've mostly thought, respectfully, were just a bit beneath the caliber of the performer. Someone worthy of really juicy, prominent roles, particularly in film.

    Then along came Coming Home in the Dark, the…

Recent reviews

  • Brooklyn



    "I suppose because I'm going away."

    I've planned for this to be my final movie for my last night in North Carolina for months. And so it has come to pass.

    One of the rare cases of the film adaptation being as good (possibly better) than the book.

  • The Autopsy of Jane Doe

    The Autopsy of Jane Doe


    "Maybe we should get out of here."

    I was pumped and ready to come on here and be like, “where the hell has Emile Hirsch been?! Why isn’t he getting more work?” And then I read about that 2015 incident. Dear god.

    I’ve avoided this film since it came out because I don’t like body/medical horror, but Netflix got me with that “Leaving Soon” banner. And I didn’t realize Brian Cox and Hirsch were in this. 

    What unfolded was a…

Popular reviews

  • Ordinary People

    Ordinary People


    “Bad things happen even when people are careful.”

    Fair warning: stop here if you haven't seen this film.

    There are too many specific emotional details I feel I need to cover and I don't want to ruin the journey for those who may, too, get a lot of Ordinary People.

    I was driving to an appointment this morning and started tearing up thinking about exchange between Judd Hirsch's Dr. Berger and Timothy Hutton's Conrad during their late-night session in the…

  • Passengers


    what shit writing lmao.

    who was the agent who unironically gave two-time Academy Award™️ Winner Dianne Wiest this script? I just wanna talk...