Mason Caviness

Mason Caviness Patron

Favorite films

  • There Will Be Blood
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • The Darjeeling Limited
  • No Country for Old Men

Recent activity

  • The Ninth Gate

  • Dirty Harry


  • Parasite


  • No Country for Old Men


Recent reviews

  • The Ninth Gate

    The Ninth Gate

    It is baffling to me how this has an average rating of 3. 

    I guess I’m in the minority here, but I thought this was bad. It’s so very very incredibly dumb. And with truly horrendous music.

    1 star because why the hell not I guess. Who cares. This movie is sucks.

  • Parasite



    I don’t really know what to say other than this movie is pretty wild. 

    Took about half an hour for me to get fully invested, but once it hooked me, I mean it really hooked me. When it finished I was a bit at a loss for words. I won’t gush and say it was the best movie I’ve ever seen (the ending for 2 characters was a bit too tidy in my opinion) but that’s not necessarily a slight.…

Popular reviews

  • Longlegs



    Typically if I feel like I need to put in my two cents on a film, I’ll jot down a few thoughts and shoot off a review right when it’s done. Turn the page, on to the next. This film however, I struggled to write anything coherently right off the rip. It’s not the most transgressive thing I’ve ever seen, but man, it can really get under your skin. 

    Like probably most everyone, I went into this with an expectation…

  • Dear Santa

    Dear Santa

    This was pretty bad, and then sort of bad, and then kinda ok, and then really lame, and then a real choice of an ending.
