sam dababneh

sam dababneh Pro

Favorite films

  • The French Connection
  • Nosferatu
  • The Thin Blue Line
  • The Fly

Recent activity

  • Roger & Me


  • The Unknown Known


  • The Fog of War


  • Before the Devil Knows You're Dead


Recent reviews

  • The Unknown Known

    The Unknown Known


    As honest and open of an interview as you could hope for from Satan himself. Albeit, reading between the lines does bring the occasional revelation, and the mere existence and access of this documentary is pretty extraordinary. It all comes so easy to Morris—stylistically, anyway. Phillip Glass is missed here.

  • The Fog of War

    The Fog of War


    Both its limitations and its ultimate strength lie in the fact that this is 108 mins of McNamara, uninterrupted and—practically—unchecked. Seldom does Morris interject, except to overlay McNamara’s excuses, deflections, and understatements with subtly contradictory imagery. That ostensibly hands-off approach brought an unabashed, almost endearing Texan authenticity in The Thin Blue Line. Here, it allows a Washington bureaucrat with a soul as damned as any to perform a careful routine of legacy reconstruction, coated with a quasi-honesty.

    In many ways,…

Popular reviews

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

    Everything Everywhere All at Once


    The aptly named Everything Everywhere All At Once throws everything at the wall to see if it’ll stick. The byproduct of it all is a deformed jumble of ideas that are excruciating to watch. For every concept that hits the bullseye, there are far too many that don’t even graze the dartboard.

    Everything Everywhere All At Once begins modestly, introducing you to the life of middle-aged Chinese immigrant Evelyn Wang. The film paints the picture of the tension arising in her life. Whether…

  • Don't Look Up

    Don't Look Up


    Director and writer Adam McKay’s latest venture Don’t Look Up is as disastrous as the events of the plot. A socio-political satire about two lower-echelon astronomers at Michigan State University who discover an extinctive meteor with a near 100% chance of hitting Earth. With a little over 6 months until the comet strikes, the astronomers Professor Dr. Mindy and his post-grad student Kate Dibiasky go on a media run to warn the world. What they get is an apathetic response…