
McKoo Pro

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Jurassic Park
  • Blade Runner
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

Recent activity

  • Maid in Manhattan


  • How Green Was My Valley


  • Dave


  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith


Pinned reviews

  • Tenet



    .etah hcum oot steg taht eivom nuf yletulosba nA .neercs no emit emas eht ta sdrawkcab dna sdrawrof htob gniog ffuts saw ereht emit yreve ecaf ym no nirg eguh a evah I did nam tub ,)wollof ot redrah neve si enilyrots s'rotaS fo hcum eugra d'I—ffuts yemiw yemit eht tsuj ton( detacilpmoc oot tib a ,semit tA

  • The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight


    I recently referred to Insomnia as "the least 'Nolan-y' of all of Nolan's films", but I never noticed just how much that film has in common with this one until this viewing. As I also recently mentioned, in the The Prestige, Nolan explores the idea of a story-within-a-story-within-a-story, where the stakes are a man trying to get home to his child, and it feels like a bit of a test run before he would do that same thing better (imo)…

Recent reviews

  • Maid in Manhattan

    Maid in Manhattan


    "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."
    "I hope you put that as your Letterboxd review."

  • Barefoot Gen

    Barefoot Gen


    A wonderfully made—but absolutely gut-wrenching—movie. Everyone should watch it once. I don't know if I'll ever watch it a second time.

Popular reviews

  • The Day the Earth Stood Still

    The Day the Earth Stood Still


    I love everything about this. From the goofy theremin music, to the goofy way Gort looks when he walks, to the (not goofy) way that Klaatu is able to issue a threat without sound menacing. Sure, this movie spends a bit more time focusing on Klaatu dwelling in 50s Americana than I would like, but it's still an incredibly fun product of its time. And on that note: this definitely isn't one of those "timeless" classics that "feels like it…

  • Hugo



    Hot take: this is my favorite Scorsese picture.

    A beautiful love letter to not just Georges Méliès, but all of early cinema.

    My only major complaint is that Sacha Baron Cohen's character is a bit too cartoonish. Lovely film otherwise tho. One of my favorite "movies about movies."