Truly a one-of-a-kind experience. I don’t think there is any other film that manages to reach into something spiritual in me more than La Chimera does
It’s so tender and beautiful. Life-affirming
Truly a one-of-a-kind experience. I don’t think there is any other film that manages to reach into something spiritual in me more than La Chimera does
It’s so tender and beautiful. Life-affirming
There’s no doubt in my mind that there is a really great movie in here. Sadly, I think it’s drowning in a bunch of unneeded and drawn out story.
Cut this thing down to 10% of the scale it’s going for I think we’d have a really special movie on our hands.
Instead we’ll have to settle for a fun time. But don’t worry, a fun time with Bong Joon-Ho behind the camera and Robert Pattinson giving yet another stellar lead performance, is a better time than most others can deliver today
i can call everything perfect cause this is just by far as a fan of Batman the most rewarding movie experience of my life. But I shall only say
Paul Dano…
Andrew Garfield please never stop acting I love love love love love love you