
mark Patron

Favorite films

  • Zeros and Ones
  • Bless Their Little Hearts
  • A Whole Night
  • Blackhat

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  • Court of Gold

  • Blackness Is Everything

  • A Story of Water

  • All the Boys Are Called Patrick

Pinned reviews

  • Déjà Vu

    Déjà Vu

    ontological jargon and explanations of time travel are normally easy ways for me to check out of a film, but denzel washington as doug carlin is the coolest self insert in any film ever (aside from him being a cop and all), so upon hearing these verbose explanations of whatever phenomenon is being discussed, he like myself, expresses his frustration with his misunderstanding. in reality though, it isn't all that important if he understands, he just wants to know if…

Recent reviews

  • Red Rooms

    Red Rooms

    you win!

    clementine and kelly-anne, two sides of the same coin. the coin being morbid curiosity; the abyss that is the human mind. clementine, for all her confidence and gall, when presented with the truth she can't stomach it. the veil of the parasocial relationship lifted. it's his eyes. his eyes don't lie. but kelly-anne, why are you here? how far will the voyeur go to get what they're looking for?

  • Field Niggas

    Field Niggas

    familiar faces and voices. familiar stories. as far as i'm concerned, this is one of the greatest american pictures ever made. field niggas hits close to home for so many reasons: i'm black, i'm a new yorker, etc. even with the familiarity and resonance i feel with allah's film, i don't feel that any words i write could do this any justice. the stories of these people speak for themselves. allah's gorgeous photography and the rhythm of its editing make…

Popular reviews

  • Nosferatu


    expectedly so, i find myself falling out of love with robert eggers as a director. there is still value to be found in his films for their aesthetics. his affinity for history and his accuracy in depicting the time periods he works with will always be interesting to me; but that's really it. as an image maker i find his approach to be a bit lousy, notably here—so many ugly, back lit shots in front of windows. why?! his images…

  • Inland Empire

    Inland Empire
