

Any liked movies are movies that I would be able to watch multiple times

Favorite films

  • 8 Mile
  • Point Break
  • Fight Club
  • Grease

Recent activity

  • Shark Tale


  • Southpaw


  • Whiplash


  • The Redeem Team


Recent reviews

  • Shark Tale

    Shark Tale


    its been a while since I've logged a movie and since my last I've still got something like 4 movies to talk about. this one stood out to me though and i just had to get my thoughts down instantly. i was on schoolies scrolling through Netflix when i saw this suggestion. i hadn't seen this movie for ages but was definitely due for a watch.

    shark tale tells the story of someone having dreams and then pretending to be…

  • Southpaw



    Wow, Sunday night movies are back. I'm finally finished with exams and get back into watching movies. this one has been on my list for a while as i heard it was about dedication and beating the odds, two things that i love in a movie.

    I don't have a lot to say about this movie but while this movie lacks a fair bit of depth, acting and camera work i thought this was a genuinely hard watch. seeing the…

Popular reviews

  • The Crucible

    The Crucible


    Fucken shit movie, absolutely nothing positive to say about this

  • Grease



    On a depressing Sunday afternoon, me and the misses had just broken up and i was ready to be cheered up.

    The death of Olivia Newton John has inspired me to re visit this classic.
    I've always loved this film and before watching i was considering a possible top 10 entry.

    I loved every single second of it. my favourite song in the film definitely has to be "your the one that I want" sung by the newly transformed sandy…
