not impressed but entertained enough. mark ruffalo definitely nailed with that trump accent 🥶
it was a pleasure seeing the movie with my dear friend ali emir, what a quality man...
having micheal scott as your dad and still doing drugs?? stupid stupid kid ahh
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
even though the movie couldn't reach the level of the series, i liked it a lot in terms of completing jesse's story. it kinda felt right and peaceful. i'm glad that jesse found his own way and made a new start, he deserved it after what he had been through.
and that walter white flashback... it was so good that to see these two together again. respect, yo. to the best partnership ever.
bir iki sahne dışında savaş atmosferi açısından çok başarılı bir filmdi, belki de izlediklerim arasında en gerçekçisi. savaş anındaki vahşete bütün çıplaklığıyla şahit oluyorsunuz.
bir de bu filmdeki haliyle hugo weaving ertan saban'a ne kadar benziyordu lan, filmin yarısında bunu düşündüm.