

One spot in my top four always reserved for my kid’s fav movie at the time

Favorite films

  • No Country for Old Men
  • Michael Clayton
  • North by Northwest
  • Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster

Recent activity

  • The Squid and the Whale


  • The Dark Crystal

  • Marriage Story


  • Michael Clayton


Recent reviews

  • Michael Clayton

    Michael Clayton


    Among the many joys of this rewatch: every one of Tilda Swinton’s line readings is absolutely perfect. Most deserving Oscar of all time.

    Can’t say it enough times: this rips

  • The Penguin Lessons

    The Penguin Lessons


    Some good things here, but it didn’t quite work for me. The script did a lot of making the subtext text through expository talking to a penguin. That’s a new one. Felt like Coogan was the properly cast for a role balancing sadness and comedic coping but slightly misused—more comedic coping, please! Even the quiet good bits seem emotionally manipulative in the light of day. 

    What a weird lil movie! Screen Unseen kind of rules even when the movie doesn’t

Popular reviews

  • My Dead Friend Zoe

    My Dead Friend Zoe


    For a movie with the sort of direct ambitions that this one has, it really works. Perfect casting in every role. I wanted more Morgan Freeman as the group counselor wearing excellent denim, my only note

  • North by Northwest

    North by Northwest


    First time in the big screen, the absolute best