Crosley Bendix

Crosley Bendix

Cultural Reviewer and Director of Stylistic Premonitions for the Universal Media Netweb

Favorite films

  • Berlin Alexanderplatz
  • West Side Avenue
  • The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On
  • Thundercrack!

Recent activity

  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles


  • The Crazy Family


  • Mysterious Skin


  • Mermaid Legend


Recent reviews

  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

    Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles


    Still as affecting on rewatch, got a kick out of the woman next to me gasping at the ending. Coincidentally, I also wore my grey long coat, so when you think about it, I am Jeanne Dielman.

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    Guy Pearce as Lapsed Vince McMahon

Popular reviews

  • Peep

    Peep "TV" Show


    Didn't even know this existed until last week and am mad at myself for it, this was cool as fuck. The universal milieu of despondence and aimlessness post-9/11 is captured boldly, and with such resourceful and fearless style. There's an acceptance of stagnation within the film's subjects, which is sadly all too relatable. There is no sense of connection beyond the comfort of a computer screen, you have no power to change the world by making it a war-free haven,…

  • The Man Who Stole the Sun

    The Man Who Stole the Sun


    He wants to interact with people. He wants to talk with me. That's his only weakness!

    Have you ever felt so listless and aimless, so desperate for some excitement in your life that you decide to create a homemade atomic bomb?

    It's a crying shame that Hasegawa never ended up directing another film, because everything here is just exquisite, which shouldn't come as a surprise, considering with The Youth Killer, Hasegawa demonstrates he can more than hold his own. His…