Director gave Florence Pugh an ultimatum: either bald or naked
Good movie but mostly because we talked over it whole time not much happening and the sad scenes weren’t hitting for me. Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh good actors tho
Director gave Florence Pugh an ultimatum: either bald or naked
Good movie but mostly because we talked over it whole time not much happening and the sad scenes weren’t hitting for me. Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh good actors tho
Timothee is so good
I wish I could have the feelings that exist in their family
Some weirdness with the relationships that end up forming but otherwise very nice movie
M Night Shymalan,
Never make a movie again. Not another day will go by in my life where I won’t miss those hours that I spent in this pit of misery and pain.
Finding out your husband, father, brother, friend is the butcher is easier than sitting through this movie. Getting cut up by the butcher is an easier way to go.
You’ve done worse to me than any serial killer you could imagine. Please retire and turn yourself into the police. They would love to have a word with you.
I hate you. Unimaginably.
Fun, funny, painful, wholesome
I loved all the characters and their relationships—especially Tim’s family—except for Mary, she felt bland and took away from the personality of Tim.